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Time For a Refresh?


Does anybody else give their server a name? I've had my own personal dev server for years, it chugs along running Windows Server 2016, which of course is around 7 years old now!

We've been through a lot together, it hosts all my personal sites, a couple of old clients' sites and years of updates and all the legacy files they leave behind.

So,... it's time for a refresh.

When I first got the server I affectionately called it "Sonic" after the famous fast hedgehog of course, because it was, erm... Fast! Through the years it's become less so of course, technology moves on.

Last night I ordered a new server, A nice fast VPS running Windows Server 2022 which will give me more stability, security and speed... And will be free of clutter (at least for a few weeks hehehe). I toyed with a new name for it, but in the end I had to choose "Sonic 2", because, of course I did...
Remote desktop screen showing Sonic and Sonic 2 severs to connect to

The first thing I do when setting up a new server is to change the background so I always can see at a glance what server I am connected to (That's a pro tip, you're welcome) and so I had fun this morning creating mine as you can see in the image. So now that's the most important bit out of the way, the fun can start, I'll spend the next few night setting it up, securing it and then transferring all the sites and components.

Some people would think that's their worst nightmare, but I'm looking forward to it!

Wish me luck! 😊

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